Its is important for new mothers to enjoy the birth experience. Why then would antenatal class instructors instruct new mothers to abstain from getting relief from body aches during the crutial periods of pregnancy?
I recently discussed with a customer who told me that the midwife who facilitated her antenatal classes said it was wrong(I'd assume in a sinful way) to get massages for back pain. the nurse went further to say pain is what pregnancy is all about and women should endure it and resist the temptation to ease the pain. WHAT! I beg your pardon but that is just cruel! The period of pregnancy should be filled with memories of bonding and learning. Women should not be made to anticipate suffering and forced to detatch themselves from the experience because it goes a long way to affect the fetus psychologically. By the way how many of us were victims of such cruel beliefs?
Back pain is one of the more common side effects of pregnancy. Back pain can continue throughout pregnancy and even after. If you have to carry around other small children you may find your symptoms exacerbated during pregnancy. Massage specially designed for pregnancy help relieve back pain associated with muscular tension. Here are just a few of the other benefits prenatal massage has to offer:
* Prenatal massage helps relieve edema or swelling by stimulating circulation throughout the body.
* Leg massage can help reduce leg cramps and swelling in the legs.
* Massage is very beneficial for relaxing anxiety during pregnancy.
* Massage can help promote more restful sleep and help prevent pregnancy related insomnia.
* Pregnancy massage may relax your baby, particularly if you have your abdomen gently stroked.
It is vital however that women seek the assistance of a qualified professional who offers massage during pregnancy (Flora initiative for Mothers offer this service at affordable costs by the way). Massaging the wrong areas or focusing on certain acupressure points may actually trigger uterine contractions in some women. Fortunately massage therapists trained in prenatal massage know exactly what areas to avoid and what areas to focus on to provide pregnant women the most benefits during a massage therapy session.
So what on earth is that Midwife talking about? Please share your thoughts